공유할 서비스 선택



Middleware JBoss 6.1 - 정상적인 웹페이지 노출이 되지 않는 현상과 Out of Memory Error 증상 문의

페이지 정보

작성자 Wonjongseok 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 댓글 2건 조회 1,436회 좋아요 0회 작성일 21-08-31 09:37


현재 운영중인 WAS 서버의 장애 관련하여 기술문의 드립니다.


M/W 버전 : JBoss 6.1


JBoss 셋팅 후 임의 변경된 내용이 전혀 없습니다.

배포파일 또한 NEXOS.war 안에서 이루어지기 때문에 deployments에 임의로 어떠한 변경하지 않았습니다.


[기술 지원 요청 내용]


1. JBoss 서버 기동시 /home/hsfiwms/jboss-eap-6.1/standalone/deployments 에 왜 NEXOS.war.undeployed 파일이 생성되었는지 원인 파악 필요


# 장애조치사항

/home/hsfiwms/jboss-eap-6.1/standalone/deployments 디렉토리에 NEXOS.war.undeployed 라는 파일이 생성이 되어 있어

JBoss 서버 기동시에도 해당 war 를 배포하지 않고 있었던 것으로 추측됨


NEXOS.war.undeployed 파일을 삭제하고

touch NEXON.war.dodeploy 명령어로 deploy 가 되도록 하여 장애사항 조치



2. OOM에러발생(OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded)이 일어난다면 자동으로 NEXOS.war.undeployed 파일이 생성되는건가요?


# OOM 에러 내용


16:39:28,993 INFO  [com.asetec.dao.DAOFlex] (http-/ ### DAOFlex: callSP() start. ###

16:39:28,993 INFO  [com.asetec.dao.DAOFlex] (http-/ Setting  'KO16MSWIN949'.

16:39:28,993 INFO  [com.asetec.dao.DAOFlex] (http-/ ###################################

16:39:28,993 INFO  [com.asetec.dao.OracleInfor] (http-/ ### OracleInfor: getAll_arguments(Connection conn, String objectName) start. ###

16:39:28,993 INFO  [com.asetec.dao.ADbConnectionFactory] (http-/ ####################### getConnection() Start ################

16:39:28,996 INFO  [com.asetec.dao.ADbConnectionFactory] (http-/ ####################### getConnection() End ##################

16:39:28,996 INFO  [com.asetec.dao.DAOFlex] (http-/ ### DAOFlex: callSP() start. ###

16:39:28,996 INFO  [com.asetec.dao.OracleInfor] (http-/ ### OracleInfor: getAll_arguments(Connection conn, String objectName) start. ###

16:39:28,998 INFO  [com.asetec.dao.OracleInfor] (http-/ ### OracleInfor: getAll_arguments(Connection conn, String objectName) end. ###


16:39:29,858 INFO  [com.asetec.dao.OracleInfor] (http-/ ### OracleInfor: getAll_arguments(Connection conn, String objectName) end. ###


16:39:29,858 INFO  [com.asetec.dao.DAOFlex] (http-/ ###################################

16:39:29,859 INFO  [com.asetec.dao.DAOFlex] (http-/ [O_MSG]=OK

16:39:29,859 INFO  [com.asetec.dao.DAOFlex] (http-/ ### DAOFlex: callSP() end. ###

16:39:29,860 INFO  [com.asetec.dao.DAOFlex] (http-/ [O_MSG]=OK

16:39:29,860 INFO  [com.asetec.dao.DAOFlex] (http-/ ### DAOFlex: callSP() end. ###

16:39:33,710 INFO  [com.asetec.dao.DAOFlex] (http-/ ###################################

16:39:33,710 INFO  [com.asetec.dao.DAOFlex] (http-/ ###################################

16:39:34,621 INFO  [com.asetec.dao.DAOFlex] (http-/ ###################################

16:39:43,151 INFO  [com.asetec.dao.DAOFlex] (http-/ Setting  'KO16MSWIN949'.

16:39:43,151 INFO  [com.asetec.dao.DAOFlex] (http-/ ###################################

16:39:44,046 INFO  [com.asetec.dao.DAOFlex] (http-/ ###################################

16:39:44,046 INFO  [com.asetec.dao.ADbConnectionFactory] (http-/ ####################### getConnection() Start ################

16:39:44,046 INFO  [com.asetec.dao.ADbConnectionFactory] (http-/ ####################### getConnection() End ##################

16:39:44,047 INFO  [com.asetec.dao.DAOFlex] (http-/ ### DAOFlex: callSP() start. ###

16:39:44,880 INFO  [com.asetec.dao.DAOFlex] (http-/ ###################################


================================================== 아래 부터 oom ==================================================

16:39:44,881 INFO  [com.asetec.dao.OracleInfor] (http-/ ### OracleInfor: getAll_arguments(Connection conn, String objectName) start. ###

16:39:53,533 INFO  [stdout] (http-/ [BlazeDS]GC overhead limit exceeded

16:39:53,533 INFO  [com.asetec.dao.DAOFlex] (http-/ Setting  'KO16MSWIN949'.

16:39:54,396 INFO  [stdout] (http-/ java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded

16:39:54,396 INFO  [com.asetec.dao.DAOFlex] (http-/ ###################################

16:39:54,396 INFO  [stdout] (http-/

16:39:54,396 INFO  [com.asetec.dao.ADbConnectionFactory] (http-/ ####################### getConnection() Start ################

16:39:54,396 INFO  [com.asetec.dao.DAOFlex] (http-/ ###################################

16:39:54,396 INFO  [com.asetec.dao.ADbConnectionFactory] (http-/ ####################### getConnection() End ##################

16:39:55,260 ERROR [org.apache.catalina.connector] (http-/ JBWEB001018: An exception or error occurred in the container during the request processing: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded


16:39:55,260 INFO  [com.asetec.dao.DAOFlex] (http-/ ### DAOFlex: callSP() start. ###

16:39:55,260 INFO  [com.asetec.dao.OracleInfor] (http-/ ### OracleInfor: getAll_arguments(Connection conn, String objectName) start. ###

16:39:56,106 INFO  [com.asetec.dao.OracleInfor] (http-/ ### OracleInfor: getAll_arguments(Connection conn, String objectName) end. ###


16:39:58,693 INFO  [com.asetec.dao.DAOFlex] (http-/ [O_MSG]=OK

16:40:00,442 INFO  [com.asetec.dao.DAOFlex] (http-/ ### DAOFlex: callSP() end. ###

16:40:00,442 ERROR [org.jboss.as.controller.management-operation] (DeploymentScanner-threads - 1) JBAS014612: Operation ("read-children-resources") failed - address: ([]): java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded


16:40:04,769 INFO  [com.asetec.dao.DAOFlex] (http-/ ###################################

16:40:05,633 INFO  [com.asetec.dao.DAOFlex] (http-/ ###################################

16:40:06,491 INFO  [com.asetec.dao.DAOFlex] (http-/ ###################################

16:40:12,546 INFO  [stdout] (http-/ [BlazeDS]Error deserializing client message.

16:40:12,545 INFO  [com.asetec.dao.DAOFlex] (http-/ ###################################

16:40:13,410 INFO  [com.asetec.dao.DAOFlex] (http-/ ###################################

16:40:13,410 INFO  [stdout] (http-/ java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded

16:40:14,272 INFO  [stdout] (http-/

16:40:35,300 INFO  [com.asetec.dao.OracleInfor] (http-/ ### OracleInfor: getAll_arguments(Connection conn, String objectName) end. ###

16:40:37,858 INFO  [com.asetec.dao.DAOFlex] (http-/ ###################################

16:40:48,046 INFO  [com.asetec.dao.DAOFlex] (http-/ ###################################

16:40:55,818 INFO  [com.asetec.dao.DAOFlex] (http-/ ###################################

16:41:01,311 ERROR [org.apache.coyote.http11] (http-/ JBWEB003038: Error processing request: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded


16:41:11,747 INFO  [com.asetec.servlet.LOGINR] (http-/ ################################################# starting LOGINR #############################

16:41:11,748 INFO  [com.asetec.servlet.LOGINR] (http-/ ### SESSION_TYPE =  ###

16:41:12,584 INFO  [com.asetec.dao.DAOFlex] (http-/ ###################################

16:41:15,122 INFO  [com.asetec.dao.DAOFlex] (http-/ ###################################

16:41:15,122 INFO  [com.asetec.dao.DAOFlex] (http-/ ###################################

16:41:16,823 INFO  [com.asetec.dao.DAOFlex] (http-/ ###################################

16:41:18,545 INFO  [stdout] (http-/ [BlazeDS]GC overhead limit exceeded

16:41:27,196 INFO  [stdout] (http-/ java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded

16:41:27,196 INFO  [stdout] (http-/



================================= 여기서 에러 끊김. ( 강제 종료 예상 ) ====================================================


이외 추가 자료가 필요하시면 말씀 부탁드립니다.



미들웨어님의 댓글

미들웨어 작성일

안녕하세요. 미들웨어 입니다.

문의주신 사항 답변 드리겠습니다.
1. JBoss 서버 기동시 /home/hsfiwms/jboss-eap-6.1/standalone/deployments 에 왜 NEXOS.war.undeployed 파일이 생성되었는지 원인 파악 필요
=> JBoss 경우 배포 실패가 되면 undeployed 가 생성됩니다.
그럴때는 장애조치 하신 것처럼 undeployed 를 삭제하고 다시 deploy 하면 됩니다.

- 관련내용 메뉴얼 링크 남겨드립니다
Undeploy the application 부분을 참고해주시면 도움이 되실 거예요


2번 문의 사항도 1번과 연관성이 있습니다.
OOM 배포 실패로 인해 발생한 케이스 입니다

Wonjongseok님의 댓글의 댓글

Wonjongseok 작성일

답변 주셔서 감사합니다.

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Total 43건
게시물 검색

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